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Your StorY matters.

Aperture Photographic produces unscripted video narratives by filming carefully conducted interviews with a spectrum of various stakeholders to extract storytelling threads that can speak to the specific strategic communication goals of our clients.  

This unique documentary approach to storytelling produces organic and authentic narratives that can elevate an organization’s profile while working to articulate its function, mandate, strategy, and impact.


New Leaf Foundation

New Leaf Foundation supports the mental, emotional and physical health of young people by addressing both the negative impacts of stress and its root causes.

I have worked with this team on a number of projects covering a wide range of subjects and each final product has resulted in strong audience engagement and great feedback. They truly excel at bringing vision and ideas to life and I would recommend their expertise for any video project.
— Ada Wong, VP Marketing, Communications & Digital Strategies at ACCES Employment

Toronto Community Housing is Toronto’s municipal housing agency that provides approximately 60,000 units of housing to an estimated 165,000 residents, making it is the second-largest housing provider in North America.


Canadian Blood Services is the only organization in Canada that is authorized to provide blood and blood products to Canadians.


Support/House is a no-for-profit organization that works to provide a variety of housing choices to homeless populations in the Halton Hills region of Ontario and offers a menu of supports that assist in coordinating mental health, substance use and/or addiction supports to those in need.


Street Soccer Canada is

You need to fill the void of an addiction. What I filled it with is soccer. I love soccer. I’m addicted to soccer. And that’s the only addiction I have from now on. This saved me. Street Soccer Canada actually saved me.
— Bill Pagonis, Street Soccer Canada coach